Kamis, 03 September 2009



The inventor : Louis Daguerre
Situation : There was obscular camera, but it just reflects the view and it can’t be printed. It needs a painter to paint again according to the reflection.
How to do the experiments : First, Daguerre coated a copper plate with silver, then treated it with iodine vapour to make it sensitive of light. The photograph can be developed if it is affected by mercury vapor.
What is it used for : It is used to make a real image in a paper that is more real and clear than a painting.


The inventor : Robert Goddard
Situation : There was a World War One and he made the military rocket for use as weapons that were launched from lightweight hand launchers.
How to do the experiments : First, his rocket powered by gunpowder, but the gunpowder wouldn’t work for the rocket, it is not strong enough to pushed it. Finally, he decided to use liquid oxygen and hydrogen.

What is it used for : It is used for fly and have a research to the moon, Mars, Jupiter, Sun etc. It also used for take photograph of the planet, satellite and the galaxy.

How to make a model liquid fueled rocket:
You need :
• An empty wine bottle and cork
• baking soda
• tissue paper
• vinegar
What you do:
1. You take the wine bottle and put a half cup of vinegar in it.
2. Then you take it outside roll up a teaspoon of baking soda in the tissue paper.
3. Drop the packet of baking soda in the bottle and quickly stick in the cork; wait awhile; the cork will fly through the air.



The inventor : Dr. John W. Mauchly
J. Presper Eckert, Jr
Situation : They think Charles Babbage’s invention is not complete: it is just a
very big calculator and they wanted to make the invention better.
They also wanted to make the life better.
What it used for : It is used to make program, to count, to type, etc


The inventor : Hans Lipperhey
Situation : One story behind the creation of the telescope states that two children were playing with lenses in his shop. The children discovered that images were clearer when seen through two lenses, one in front of the other. Lippershey was inspired by this and created a device very similar to today's telescope.
What it used for : To see distant object


A Leafy Birthday - Hooray!

On November 28, Ocean Rider celebrated the birthday of the Phycodurus Eques - Leafy Seahorse.

A native of southern and western Australia, the "Leafy" is protected and endangered. Ocean Rider has been permitted to attempt captive breeding and in so doing, attempting to becoming the first successful captive breeders of this species.

The First farm raised pet seahorses ...since 1998!

New batch of Sunbursts are now ready for travel!! They are bright yellow, very cute and about 3-4 inches in length! Both the Sunburst Special and the Double Sunburst Special are on special up until Dec 16th!!

Sorry, In order to prevent accidental release into the Hawaiian waters we do not sell seahorses in the State of Hawaii.

Selasa, 03 Februari 2009


Panda is the fantastic animal. They have special characteristic. They eat only bamboos.

Their food
Panda’s food is bamboos. They can eat bamboos as much as 9-14 Kg ( 20 to 30 pounds ) a day. But, although they eat very much they not get much energy from their food. Because the Giant Panda consumes a diet low in nutrition, it is important for it to keep its digestive tract full. The Giant Panda tends to limit its social interactions and avoids steeply sloping terrain in order to limit its energy expenditures.

Physical Characteristic
They have black spots on their eyes. Panda is also a cute animal. And their color is unique, black and white. The Giant Panda has a black-and-white coat. Adults measure around 1.5 m long and around 75 cm tall, at the shoulder. Males are 10-20 larger than females. 13 Males can weigh up to 115 kg (253 pounds). Females are generally smaller than males, and can occasionally weigh up to 100 kg (220 pounds). The Giant Panda lives in mountainous regions, such as Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi.

There is no conclusive source for the origin of the name "panda." The closest candidate that has been accepted as the source originates in the Nepali word ponya, possibly referring to the adapted wrist bone. The Western world originally applied this name to the Red Panda. Until 1901, when it was erroneously stated that it was related to the Red Panda, the Giant Panda was known as "mottled bear" or "particoloured bear."

Endangered species
The Giant Panda is an endangered species, threatened by continued habitat loss and by a very low birthrate, both in the wild and in captivity.

So, we must protect the pandas. So, the panda will still exist


The leopard is an amazing animal. It can run 60 kilometerin the savana, even faster than a car.It also has beautiful rosettes and black spots.

Phisycal Characteristics
Leopard is the smallest of the four “big cats” in the genus phantera: the other are the tiger, lion and jaguar. Altough it is the smallest, the leopard is still able to take large prey using it’s strong jaw. A leopard often mistaken for a cheetah or a jaguar. The leopard has rosettes(rose-like markings) rather than cheetah’s simple spots, but they lack internal spots, unlike the jaguar.

Diet Hunting
Leopards are opportunistic hunters. Their diet consists mostly of ungulates and monkeys, but rodents, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish are also eaten. In Africa, mid-sized antelopes provide a majority of the leopard's prey, especially impala and Thomson's gazelles. In Asia the leopard preys on deer such as chitals and muntjacs as well as various Asian antelopes and Ibex. The leopard stalks its prey silently and at the last minute pounces on its prey and strangles its throat with a quick bite.

Reproduction and life cycle
A female leopard usually pregnant for 90-105 days. Cubs are usually born in a litter of 2–4, but infant mortality is high and usually no more than 1–2 cubs survive beyond their infancy. The pregnant females find a cave, crevice among boulders, hollow tree, or thicket to give birth and make a den. Cubs open their eyes after a period of 10 days. After one year of age, leopard young can probably fend for themselves, but they remain with the mother for 18–24 months.

After you finished read this article, you will know what is a leopard. In fact, leopard is an animal that is fun to be studied. You can find leopard in Southern Asia and Africa.