Sabtu, 17 April 2010


Pufferfish has an unusual way to defend itself from predator. When it is in danger, it pumps its body with water or air, until its body is bigger, and can’t be swallowed by its predator. Some pufferfish also has spiky skin, so that it’s impossible to be eaten by its predator.



Thick blubber at baby seal prevent loss of heat in the body. Blubber is a layer of thick fat under the skin. This fat can be as thick as 25 cms. A whale depends on blubber too to make its body warm

Regina Bella Halim


Polar bear in Arctic is the biggest bear in the world. An adult male bear can be twice as high as human and six times as heavy as human. A big fatty body keep their body warm. They also have thick fur that consist of two layers. The first layer has short fur and the second layer has longer fur. The fur is stuck to each other when it is wet to make it as a divider with the water. 

Regina Bella Halim

Archer Fish

Archer Fish

Archer fish likes to eat insects and small animals that live in the ground. Because the insects live in a different place, archer fish has a unique way to hunt its prey. Archer fish wait until an insect is closer for it to hunt. When the prey is closer, it will shoot droplets of water until the insects falls onto the water, so the archer fish can eat it.

Grape and Wine

Many fruits produced alcohol after naturally rotten. In order to find more interesting food, some people tried to eat rotten fruit that made them in euphoria and erratic behaviour. That was the first time they were drunk! Grape, then specially planted to maked drink. Alcohol in grape produced good taste and drunk. Wine, first time fermented in Mesopotamia about 10.000 years ago.

By : Christina Desiani

Fiddler Crab

Fiddler Crab

Fiddler crab has two claws that has different sizes. One of them is bigger. The bigger one has bright color to attract female crab. When it is ready for mating, the male crab waves his claw at the female crab as a code. Sometimes, the male crab jumps up and down while waving its claw at the same time. If the female crab is ready for mating too, it will come over the male crab and follows the male to the hole


The First Equipments

The first equipments were made from stone and coral reef that have sharp end. Those equipments were made by Homo Habilis in Africa about 2 millions years ago. These equipments were used to kill, chop and flay the skin of the animal. This was happened in the beginning of the Stone Age. Then, the equipments grow to be better, sharper and have more variations.

By : Christina Desiani


Adelie penguin spend the winter in the sea. They come back to their group at Antarctic to breed on October. At that time, there is still a lot of ice in their nest. Because they don’t want to wait for the ice melted, they keep walking in a group on the glaze as long as100 kms before breeding.

Regina Bella Halim

Walk With 2 Legs

In Tanzania, Africa, fossil hunter have found 3,6 million years old footprints. Those footprints made by creatures that have 2 legs and walked like human being. Those footprints could be made by an ape man called Australophitecus. “Lucy” that lived in Africa more than 3 millions years ago was one of these creatures. Ape usually walk with 4 legs. Lucy’s skeleton fossil indicates that she stood still and walked with 2 legs like us.

By : Christina Desiani