Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

The Girl I met in a Cafeteria

When I was on a holiday, my mom asked me to do some outdoor activities because she was bored to see me playing computer all the time. I tried to look for something interesting. I found nothing but an offer to join a science club. But the fee was very expensive. Because of that, I went to a cafetaria to think about joining that science club twice (or may be more).
When I arrived there I was very hungry. I wanted to order a cup of coffee while thinking of that club. And then, something happened. I met a girl and I recognised her as one of my friends five years ago. But, when I looked her clothes, I knew that something terrible had made her become a beggar. What made me sadder was that she was the one who always helped me when I got a bad mark on math, and other subject that need calculations.
Without any doubt, I said, “Miss, please have a seat.”
She was very surprised with my invitation, looked like she had forgotten me. With a doubt, she sat beside me.
Then I said again,”Do you know me?” She answered it with an innocent face, I was sure that means “no”.
“Didn’t you remember that five years ago you always helped a girl who was very nerd and always got a bad mark on math?” I said, tried to make her remember, even for just a second.
“Five years ago? Umm.. I don’t remember, sorry,” said her with an honest face.
I gave her time to think about that, while I started to lost hope. May be she’s not her, I thought.
“Oh. I know! I know her! Who always got bad mark, nerd, very shy.. Is that you?” she said with brightness on her face.
“Yeah.. I knew that your memory isn’t bad at all. What happened? Why do you become like this?” I asked.
“After I finished my junior high school, my parents died because of a plane’s accident. I have no family out there and no one wanted to adopt me. I just can beg for the other’s kindness,” answered her. A drop of tear fell in her beauty face when she told the story. What an unbelievable story.
“I will help you. I’ll do anything as long as I can.”
“Thank you, but you should’nt have to..”
“But I want to help you. You just have to wait in this cafetaria tomorrow. I’ll come here again with some useful information for you,” said me without a doubt. “Before money..for you. I think you’ll need it more than I need.
“Thanks. I don’t know how to pay back your kindness,” she said hopefully.
“Okay, now I have to go home. See you tomorrow,” I said, then I went home.
I knew that the money that I would use to eat for a day, may be she could make it for a week. I went home, with a cool face. But in my deepest heart, I was veerrryyyy hungry and had to come home as fast as possible!! Hopefully, she didn’t know anything about that.


The Girl I Met in a Cafeteria

The Girl I Met in a Cafeteria

I’m so depressed. A lot of homework that my demon teacher gave me has not done yet. Plus, I have a lot of exams that, I think, will kill me. I am just stressed and I want to look for some oxygen out of that crazy world. The first place that come to my mind is that cafeteria, hospital cafeteria. Why I choose hospital? I don’t know too but a strong feeling take me there.
I bring my wallet with much money to the cafeteria. I just want to eat some meckerel soup or tendon to fresh my mind from that crazy thing. When I just want to order the menu, a beggar is being kicked out from the cafeteria. Many people is insulting her. I feel sorry to her and walk to her. I can’t believe it! I don’t know what happen with my eyes! I’m sure that she is my best friend when I was in elementary school. Yeah, I just lost contact with her.
I grab her wrist and take her to a seat. I don’t know what I should say to her. I recognize her as my best friend but she didn’t recognize me.
“ Who are you?”, she ask me something that I don’t want to hear.
“ I’m a depressed person”, I say this without thinking first.
“ I just have to do some homework that my devil teacher give me” I finally say
Many people insult me and her. But, I don’t care, she is my best friend right? I can see from her face that she is afraid of that situation. I just say “ Its okay”
To make sure that she is my friend, I ask her “Do you remember something in this cafeteria?” the answer is “Um.. When I was in elementary school, when I went to buy some food, my best friend do dine and dash, finally I’m the one that pay for many expensive food.” She say that. Finally she say that! That embarassing moment that I do.
“oh.. your friend is so rude, yea?” “Maybe..” she say with sad face
“Do you know why I become a beggar? My mother die because of that accident, when I pay for the food, someone took my wallet. All my money is there, the money I should buy my mother medicine, but It’s all gone” she is crying now.
“I’m so sad, that’s all my fault .. I am the worst!” I told myself
“Never mind about that miss, you are so lucky, you have parents, money, house, and you can go to school. You have never changed from the time you were in elementary school”
WHAAAAAT??????? So, She recognise ME !!? I’m so sad and pull her wrist, gave all of my money to her and run away from the cafeteria. I’m glad to meet her but I’m sad that she recognised me. I feel sorry to her and I promise to myself not to do “dine and dash” again