Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

The Thief Lord

“The Thief Lord” by Cornelia Funke is a story about two orphan boys named Prosper and Boniface, a.k.a. Bo. We read about their adventure with a group of thieves and their leader named The Thief Lord that usually mysterious.
After their mom died, Bo and Prosper escape from their terrible aunt and go to Venice. Knowing about their plan, their aunt go to Venice with her husband and ask for a detective’s help. Prosper and Bo meet some new friends, from a group of little thieves that live in an old building. From Barbarossa, they meet an old man that ask The Thief Lord to steal something that means very special for him, a wooden wing. From this mission, the group of the thieves, including Prosper and Bo, know about The Thief Lord’s dark secret. Magical things happen when they succeed to steal the wing, bring it to the old man, and sneaking to his island named Isola Segreta.

“The Thief Lord” is such a fantastic book. Many unbelievable things that happen in the book and the readers will absolutely keep reading until the last page to find out what happen next. A very unbelievable thing is waiting in the end of story. So, don’t miss it!

By : Tiffany

Book Review : Meet Kaya

“Meet Kaya” by Janet Shaw is a novel about a girl named Kaya. Kaya is a girl that has a dream to be one of the very best horsewoman in the village. 

Kaya has a horse named Steps High. One day, she has a job to look for her twins brother, but she leave them with blind-Speaking Rain, Kaya’s friend. It’s because her friends, Raven and Fox Tail teased her about her horse. It makes Kaya mad. She challenges them to have a horse race. Kaya puts both herself and her horse in danger. More unfortunately, she must face a punishment, because she leave her brother. This mistake gives her a terrible nickname. Will she ever be the best horsewoman in the village??? 

Meet Kaya is a good story. I think girls will like to read this book. The moral of the story is TRY YOUR BEST!!!

BY : Regina Bella Halim


Book Review Two's a Crowd

Two’s A crowd is a novel based on television series, Two of a Kind. This novel is adapted by Judy Kastschke. The story is about twin sisters named Mary-Kate and Ashley.

Mary-Kate is mad of sports and Ashley is crazy about Ballet. When Carrie has 2 tickets for a dance show, Mary-Kate doesn’t want to go and she gives it to Nicole, who was a fan of the dance company in the dance show. But, Mary-Kate doesn’t think that she just starts a big problem. Since Ashley and Nicole watch the show, they become best friend. They spend their whole time together and Mary-Kate feels left out. And then she has an crazy idea. Ooops I’ve gone too far. If you want to know, well, just read it.

The book tell us it’s not good to have a fight with your brother or sister. It just makes you feel lonely and sorry.

This book is interesting enough for me. The book is filled with craziness of the twins. It’s fun to read the book until the end. I think many children will enjoy this book.

By : Christina