Two’s A crowd is a novel based on television series, Two of a Kind. This novel is adapted by Judy Kastschke. The story is about twin sisters named Mary-Kate and Ashley.
Mary-Kate is mad of sports and Ashley is crazy about Ballet. When Carrie has 2 tickets for a dance show, Mary-Kate doesn’t want to go and she gives it to Nicole, who was a fan of the dance company in the dance show. But, Mary-Kate doesn’t think that she just starts a big problem. Since Ashley and Nicole watch the show, they become best friend. They spend their whole time together and Mary-Kate feels left out. And then she has an crazy idea. Ooops I’ve gone too far. If you want to know, well, just read it.
The book tell us it’s not good to have a fight with your brother or sister. It just makes you feel lonely and sorry.
This book is interesting enough for me. The book is filled with craziness of the twins. It’s fun to read the book until the end. I think many children will enjoy this book.
By : Christina
Kamis, 25 Maret 2010
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