Sabtu, 25 September 2010


In china, some people had believed for thousand years that fire is one of the four elements that are the most important in this world. Folks in china often hold some rituals to honor fire and its ability to destroy, and also to bring life.
Sometimes, people think that fire is a bad thing. This thought exists because many disasters are caused by fire. But, fire isn’t useless at all. It’s useful instead. And, actually, without this element we can’t survive in this world. Fire can be our friend, but also can be our enemy, according to how we use it.
Fire, is useful in our kitchen. Without fire, our mother can’t cook meals. We’ll just eat vegetables, fruit, and raw meat. Besides, sun, our source of life, is an enormous fire ball. And we know that sun is very important for photosynthesis that exhales oxygen for us to breath. It means that fire, whether we want or not, is very important to us, human being, and every living things in this world. Can you imagine what would be happened if there’s no fire in our life? There will be no life in this world. What a pity!
Even though fire can be friend, but it can be a dangerous enemy if we can’t use it wisely. For example, house fires, that mostly caused by human’s carelessness and kill many people. But human often think that fire is the cause. They do not even think how can fire burn the house. it’s human who always carelessly invite it to come . Human often forget to turn off their stove, or throw cigarette stub not in the place it supposed to be. The other example, volcano eruption. It’s a natural disaster that can’t be avoided by human being. And also killed thousand people in a year. But, there’s a positive thing. The volcanic ash breaks down quickly in soil and the soil becomes fertile enough for farming.
In every negative sides, there are positive things that sometimes, we didn’t realize. So, however, fire can be human’s best friend. No one can enslave it, because it is one of nature’s superior elements. Every living creature must stand before it as a submissive friend, never in fearsome challenge..=)


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