Senin, 20 September 2010


Long long ago there was a fair and wise king.His name is Prabu Tapa Agung.He has 7 daughters.Their names are Purbararang, Purbadewata, Purbaendah, Purbakancana, Purbamanik, Purbaleuih, and Purbasari. Purbararang was already engaged to Raden Indrajaya. Prabu Tapa Agung can not entrust the kingdom to Purbararang and Indrajaya. Prabu Tapa Agung felt that Purbararang and Indrajaya don’t match to be a Kingdom leader. Thinking of it, Prabu Tapa Agung and his wife felt sad. Prabu Tapa Agung worry was known by Sunan Ambu residing in Kahyangan. One night, Prabu Tapa Agung was dreaming. In the dream , Sunan Ambu said”Oh the good king,don’t worry.This is a time for break. Give your position to Purbasari”.

Next day, Prabu Tapa Agung ordered the same thing as Sunan Ambu commands. News was received happily by many people in the kingdom, except Purbararang and Raden Indrajaya. A day after their mother and father was not in the kingdom, Purbararng with Raden Indrajaya’s help, gave off black substance made from plants to the face and body of Purbasari. Consequently Purbasari’s whole body became black and Pasir Batang people does not recognize her anymore. That's why there was no one helped Purbasari when she escaped from the palace. Uwak Batara was told to bring Purbasari to the woods. But on the arrival in the woods, Uwak Batara Lengser make a strong hut for Purbasari.

For days, Sunan Ambu was anxious because his son Guruminda did not appear. Then Sunan Ambu turn to people in Kahyangan to find his son. Not long, later his maid came and reported that Guruminda was in the Park of Kahyangan. Guruminda seemed daydreaming. Sunan Ambu ask his maid to call Guruminda.

Then Sunan Ambu said again” Mother knew, now you're a teenager. Age seventeen. Is there an angel who pulled your heart. Say to my mother who she was. Later I'll introduce you to her.” But Guruminda remain silent.

Then Guruminda reply” I do not want to be introduced with any angel but she’s beautiful like you.

She also said, "Guruminda, the girl similar to mother was not in Buana She was in the Middle Panca Buana. Go there. But don’t be Guruminda. You must be disguised as fox or monkey."

Guruminda felt sad after realizing that he had turned into monkey.He went to Buana with his hope that he will meet the girl similar to his mother. When he saw the forest in the earth, he jumped to it. Guruminda became a leader of monkeys in the forest .

In Buana, Purbarang queen made a ceremony. In the ceremony she needed an animal for sacrifice. Ratu Purbararang called Aki Penyumpit. She said “Catch the animal for sacrifice , If you don’t get one, you will be the sacrifice. In the forest Aki penyumpit met Lutung Kasarung. Lutung Kasarung said”Don’t kill me because I will not bothered you. I come here because I see you very sad.”Then Lutung said again ”Why are you sad?”. Finally Aki Penyumpit told Lutung what he felt. ”Take me to kingdom” said Lutung Kasarung. In the Kingdom Lutung was tied. But in the Kingdom Lutung twisted when he will be burnt.Then he devastated everything.

In the kingdom there was a wise man. He said to Lutung ”Come here monkey, do not be naughty and frighten people, you're a good monkey. Then Lutung was taken to the forest. In the Forest Uwak Batara introduced Lutung to Purbasari. Lutung and Purbasari wanted to be close friends. Then Lutung prayed to his mother. He ask his mother to cure Purbasari. Purbararang was angry when she heard that Purbasari recovered. Purbararang challenge Purbasari. Purbasari should make huma in 1 day. Lutung helped Purbasari. He prayed to his mother to make the huma. The next day when sun rises, Purbararang went to the forest, she was shocked because Purbasari has made the Huma. Purbararang did not give up, she challenged Purbasari again. She challenged who has the longest hair. But Purbasari turned to be the one with the longest hair. Purbararang challenged who has the most handsome husband. At that time Lutung changed to be a handsome man. At last the winner is Purbasari. She became leaders of the kingdom with her husband. Purabararang and her husband were punished.

Characters :Purbararang,Purbasari,Lutung Kasarung,Prabu Tapa Agung,Raden Indrajaya.

Setting:The Kingdom,lake,hut,celestial,forest.

*Raden Indrajaya confused to whom he would surrender his position
* Purbararang envied Purbasari and tried to get rid of Purbasari

Order of events :
* Purbararang make Purbasari ugly women
* Purbasari taken to the forest
* Guruminda turned into a monkey
*Purbararang challenged Purbasari
*Purbasari became a leaders of the Kingdom
*Purbararang and her husband were punished


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