Selasa, 27 September 2011

Japan Disaster!!

Japan is one of the famous countries that own the best technology. If we go there, we will be awed by their achievements. However, this kind of really-good technology, not make this country perfect.

On 11 March 2011 (Friday), at 05.46 UTC, Japan got a fearsome earthquake and tsunami disaster. Many people are being confirmed killed by that disaster. Police said 200 to 300 bodies were found in the northeastern coastal city of Sendai. 88 people were confirmed killed and 349 people were missing.

The 9.0 magnitude earthquake makes the 7 meters high tsunami. This tsunami attack as far as 5 kilometers from the beach line, including Fukushima. It sweep Sendai Town, and makes it drowned in the water. In the other side, JMA said that this is the biggest earthquake ever attack Japan.

The disaster makes devastating effects. Many people were killed, buildings were destroyed, and the most pathetic is Nuclear Disaster-the disaster because of Japanese technology achievements-

On Tuesday, their Nuclear Reactor burnt. The Tsunami few days before, makes the Nuclear Reactor burnt. Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, said that the radiation became the bigger level and can be dangerous. Two reactors explode and it became more dangerous.

It can harm DNA and became cancer.

Well, they got so many disaster and dangerous event in their lives. What they do next?

We all know, how diligent Japanese people are. I believe that they will move on and built a new Japan. This is not the first time they get this kind of disaster. And I’m sure, they always move and move. =D

That’s what I like from Japanese.

BY : Regina Bella Halim

Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear leakage..... A complete package for changing your life!

Japan is not only famous of its manga, but also famous as the industrial country that makes many of the automotive and electronic products. Many smart robots are also produced in Japan. Japan is a country with not many natural resources, but have talented people in industry. No wonder, Japan becomes one of the developed countries in the world.

The success of Japan is not as easy as turning your palm. Maybe we’re awed by the success, but you know what? The Japanese work hard for it, because there’s so many unlucky factor of Japan, like lying in the earthquake belt and also volcanic chain. That makes most of the Japanese had ever run into disasters.

The last phenomenal disaster was the earthquake along with Tsunami and the nuclear leakage in March 11th, 2011 with the power of 8.9 SR. Then just like a flash, Tsunami comes, rolling to the east coast of Honshu then continue its journey to the city of Sendai, Yamagata and Fukushima and also the capital of Japan, Tokyo. The wave stand about 7 meters height and ravage the buildings, ports, many houses and vehicles in the street. Luckily many buildings are tremor resistant, so there are some that are not vanished.

The Tsunami also destroy the nuclear power plants in Fukushima.T he nuclear leak and the dangerous radioactive affect people there. And that’s a devastating effect, because people can became poisoned by radioactive. Radioactive can make people suffered cancer and most likely they will die.

After-Tsunami and earthquake, many japanese are unemployed. But, Japanese were trying to start their bussiness again. One person that I know is a woman who opened an Onsen or hot water bath. Tsunami destroys her business place. After Tsunami, she opened the onsen but in a smaller scale. Since there was no electricity, she heated the water manually. The loyal customers came and she slowly got enough money to build a bigger onsen. Because of her effort to collect money and build her onsen, she now owns an Onsen that’s similar as the one she had before Tsunami.

From the Japanese story after Tsunami happened, we can learn to be strong in what we faced and put some effort to get what we want.

By : Christina

Fate and Palm

Now, I’m wondering why were people born with lines in their palms. The lines get together and formed m-shape. I found that the lines in palms explain about something. They explain about life, career, love, and many more. People call that palm reading. But, can we believe in fate? Many people believe in fate and then they just wait and see what will God give them today. Sometimes, believe in fate is not good, because we aren’t working hard to get what we plan for.

It’s true that God is the most powerful and He give us many things and we, human just small ants compared by God. But still, we must do something with effort so that we get what we plan for. Jesus said that each of us has talent. Then, what must we do with that talent? Of course, we have to discover it and then develop it. We can’t just wait and ask God “where’s my talent?” and God send “The Packet of talent” here. An example; Ann loves playing piano. She discovered that her talent is playing piano when she was 13. She practice piano every day, each day at least half hour. Her continuous-practice makes her attending many piano contests and wins many of them. In the other side, Celia love to play piano in the past. Celia has been playing piano since she was 6, but, she is very lazy. She almost never practices piano and she not getting anything from her piano-teacher. From those examples we can see that those who aren’t do something with effort will get nothing and makes regret.

From now on, Change your mind from believes in fate to believe that God have put the fate on you, and you can change your fate by some effort.

By : Christina

Wonderful Day!!

This is not the usual routine activities at school. It is our school’s Student Orientation Program. It is made for the first grader in our school to introduce our school, but I considered it as a crazy welcoming party. The freshmen usually got “bullied” by the seniors.

I was in the committee in the program. As part of the committee, I must come to school one full week before the program starts, to give the freshmen explanations about the program. One thing that they should do is to bring some silly attributes for the orientation. I called it silly, because it’s made of Carton made-bag, half- ball-cap , garlic necklace, rubber bracelet, and silly hairdo for the girls.

Then, to shorten my story, the 3 days of “torture” starts. The committee job Is easy : give the freshman games in the class, guide them for the orientation schedule, and so on. The most difficult is just teaching them marching and guide them around school, we must shout and shout till our voice break.. And the most exciting things is give them our signature. It’s not easy for them, that we give them some terms and conditions to get our signatures. Well, I order them to acting like Spongebob and friends because I want them to join our drama club. Ahahaha

The wonderful day is when we end our orientation. We start with the ending ceremony, then, we have an ending party at night! First our principal fires the bonfire and the freshmen perform their yell-yell *shout to show spirit. After those yelling contest, our magician : SAMBAT *our school security man* perform some magic.. Great Magic!! Then, the freshmen in each class perform their ability. And they’re all perform singing.. =.=… I’m not that shock, because it can’t be helped, that’s the most easy thing to do in suddenly perform. Oh yea! There’s a really good singer from the first grader. When he sing, my friends suddenly cry.. Ahaha

The next thing is the committee performance. Ha! That’s what I looking for! First is my friend singing, then, my close friends are dancing! When they dance, we, the “out of job” committee join them in the stage. Without hesitations, we dance like craze.. Ahahahaha

I enjoy the performances so much! There’s band, dance, sing, pop group, modeling and magic! Then, at that night, when the-I-really-wanted-to-see- performance start, the teachers start to give the freshmen consumption. Time for meal! We help our teachers, but, theres some freshmen that don’t get the coke.. So I ask the consumption committee and didn’t see my friend performance in the end.. =.=

The last thing is FIREWORKS! Love it! Looks like that we have our new year!

And I think that’s all about the “wonderful” day. Even if there’s so many wonderful days. :D

BY : Regina Bella Halim XD

Japan’s Disaster

Japan is quite a famous country because some of the best business and technological achievements may be seen in Japan. Japan’s great change from land-based country to technology-based country is enviable which make Japan as one of the most important industrial country in the world. But, we tend to forget that this prosperous country has some of the worst hazards in earth to contend with.

The land of this country is largely mountainous. And it causes the Japanese have no choice but to dwell on the slopes that has large possibilities for landslides to be happened. Some part of this country is also part of planet’s volcanic chain and lie along the earthquake belt, which makes regions of this country often quakes. In the other part of the islands, typhoons often ravage the ports, towns, and villages with devastating effects. Not just typhoons, but also tidal waves, landslides, floods and fires that happens frequently.

Recently, in Japan, they had 3 disasters in a time; tsunami, earthquakes, and nuclear leakage. On March 11, Earthquakes 8,9 in Richter Scale, unleashes a huge tsunami which crashes through Japan's eastern coastline, sweeping buildings, boats, cars and people miles along. A large fire erupts at the Cosmo oil refinery in Ichihara city near Tokyo and burns out of control, with 100ft flames weaving into the sky.

A "state of emergency" is declared at one of the country's nuclear power plants after the Fukushima reactor, around 30 miles from the north east coast, suffers a cooling system failure. Around 3,000 people are evacuated from a 6.2-mile exclusion zone. And it’s too serious that some of the plants explode. But fortunately didn’t affect the reactor, so it’s still safe but they still need to observe the level of radioactivity. On Tuesday, March 15, Dangerous levels of radiation leak from the Fukushima plant after a third explosion increases.

In a televised statement after the blast, Prime Minister Kan urges those within 19 miles of the area to stay indoors. Because the effects are serious, like nausea and vomiting often begin within hours of exposure, followed by diarrhea, headaches fever and increasing the risk of a radiation-related cancer later in their life.

From what we could see in Japan’s disasters in 2011, we can conclude that not every developed country with its efficiency, can predict what will happen in the future. They had already seen some of the serious consequences that are brought along with its ambitions, success, and achievements, some of them are the depletion of ozone layer and the catastrophic disruption of the food-chain.


A Wonderful Day in Bali

Last vacation, I went to Bali with my school friends by bus. There are 7 buses took us there and I was in the first bus. We went there for about 3 days and I will tell about one of the day that I think is a wonderful day. I said it is a wonderful day, because we went to some tourist attractions and had fun there.

My day began when we were heading to Waterbom from the hotel I stayed in. Waterbom is a waterpark with many slides and also children playground. The bus-ride took about 1 hour before arriving at Waterbom. Since it was a hot day, I wear my sunblock at the bus. Arriving there, I felt excited because I have never gone there before. After I went in, I walked to a place with some gazebos to take off my bag and changed my clothes to a swimsuit. Then, I ran to the attractions with my best friend, Marissa and Vania. Lazy River is my first choice. We went around the river with the doughnut – buoy till I went back to the beginning point. After that, we tried out the Macaroni and Raft River slides that were very exciting to ride. Also, we went to Jungle Rides slide that was very wonderful. We also tried the Race Track slides which is the most thrilling of all I have tried. I didn’t try all the slides, because there are some slides that I’m afraid to ride, especially Climax-the super long slides-. I had a wonderful time there, but it was almost lunch time, so I quickly took a bath and changed my clothes and went to the Discovery Mall.

Discovery mall is in front of Waterbom, so I just walked for a few steps to arrive there. I had a lunch at KFC restaurant. Then, I went to Kuta beach behind the mall with my best friends and took some photos there. Then, we went back to the hotel and have a rest.

By : Christina

.A Wonderful Day at Batu City

When holiday almost come, my parents had already planned a trip to somewhere out of the Surabaya City. We discussed about it in a quite long discussion. My mother wanted to go to Bali or other island that has beach on it, while my father just wanted to go to shopping malls. Then it’s decided to go to Batu City and we would stay 2 or 3 days there in my aunt’s villa. I can’t wait to go there, refreshing my mind and body, and feel how the true village’s atmosphere is.

Before the day we went to Batu, we prepared everything we need there so we could have a good and enviable trip. My mom did work hard for this trip. I think that’s because she had never visited Batu since last year. While she was cooking, my father was checking our car so there would be no flat tire during the trip. My job was to take care of my brothers. Everything was just set at night, so we just slept quite late.

The next day, everyone woke up earlier than usual because if we’re too late, the traffic jam would ruin all of our plan. We got ready and off we went!

The trip took 5 hours. It’s more than our expectations. We arrived at the villa at 3p.m. with tired conditions. So we decided not to go anywhere that day and just stayed at the villa, and took some photograph.

The next day, we went to Jatim park II. It’s a zoo in Batu City. We went there to show my little brothers animals they had never seen before. They looked interested, so, my parents thought it was not in vain to take them to the zoo.

We didn’t just go to jatim park II, but also jatim park I. the difference between both of them is in jatim park I, there’s more games, while jatim park II specializes itself as a zoo. So we also had fun in jatim park I too.

We enjoyed our trip very much although it was so tiring. Jatimpark I was our last destination in wonderful Batu city. We arrived at Surabaya quite late, so within an hour, my house was in deep silence because everyone had slept. This was a wonderful day ever.
