Selasa, 27 September 2011

Wonderful Day!!

This is not the usual routine activities at school. It is our school’s Student Orientation Program. It is made for the first grader in our school to introduce our school, but I considered it as a crazy welcoming party. The freshmen usually got “bullied” by the seniors.

I was in the committee in the program. As part of the committee, I must come to school one full week before the program starts, to give the freshmen explanations about the program. One thing that they should do is to bring some silly attributes for the orientation. I called it silly, because it’s made of Carton made-bag, half- ball-cap , garlic necklace, rubber bracelet, and silly hairdo for the girls.

Then, to shorten my story, the 3 days of “torture” starts. The committee job Is easy : give the freshman games in the class, guide them for the orientation schedule, and so on. The most difficult is just teaching them marching and guide them around school, we must shout and shout till our voice break.. And the most exciting things is give them our signature. It’s not easy for them, that we give them some terms and conditions to get our signatures. Well, I order them to acting like Spongebob and friends because I want them to join our drama club. Ahahaha

The wonderful day is when we end our orientation. We start with the ending ceremony, then, we have an ending party at night! First our principal fires the bonfire and the freshmen perform their yell-yell *shout to show spirit. After those yelling contest, our magician : SAMBAT *our school security man* perform some magic.. Great Magic!! Then, the freshmen in each class perform their ability. And they’re all perform singing.. =.=… I’m not that shock, because it can’t be helped, that’s the most easy thing to do in suddenly perform. Oh yea! There’s a really good singer from the first grader. When he sing, my friends suddenly cry.. Ahaha

The next thing is the committee performance. Ha! That’s what I looking for! First is my friend singing, then, my close friends are dancing! When they dance, we, the “out of job” committee join them in the stage. Without hesitations, we dance like craze.. Ahahahaha

I enjoy the performances so much! There’s band, dance, sing, pop group, modeling and magic! Then, at that night, when the-I-really-wanted-to-see- performance start, the teachers start to give the freshmen consumption. Time for meal! We help our teachers, but, theres some freshmen that don’t get the coke.. So I ask the consumption committee and didn’t see my friend performance in the end.. =.=

The last thing is FIREWORKS! Love it! Looks like that we have our new year!

And I think that’s all about the “wonderful” day. Even if there’s so many wonderful days. :D

BY : Regina Bella Halim XD

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