Selasa, 27 September 2011

Fate and Palm

Now, I’m wondering why were people born with lines in their palms. The lines get together and formed m-shape. I found that the lines in palms explain about something. They explain about life, career, love, and many more. People call that palm reading. But, can we believe in fate? Many people believe in fate and then they just wait and see what will God give them today. Sometimes, believe in fate is not good, because we aren’t working hard to get what we plan for.

It’s true that God is the most powerful and He give us many things and we, human just small ants compared by God. But still, we must do something with effort so that we get what we plan for. Jesus said that each of us has talent. Then, what must we do with that talent? Of course, we have to discover it and then develop it. We can’t just wait and ask God “where’s my talent?” and God send “The Packet of talent” here. An example; Ann loves playing piano. She discovered that her talent is playing piano when she was 13. She practice piano every day, each day at least half hour. Her continuous-practice makes her attending many piano contests and wins many of them. In the other side, Celia love to play piano in the past. Celia has been playing piano since she was 6, but, she is very lazy. She almost never practices piano and she not getting anything from her piano-teacher. From those examples we can see that those who aren’t do something with effort will get nothing and makes regret.

From now on, Change your mind from believes in fate to believe that God have put the fate on you, and you can change your fate by some effort.

By : Christina

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