Selasa, 27 September 2011

Japan Disaster!!

Japan is one of the famous countries that own the best technology. If we go there, we will be awed by their achievements. However, this kind of really-good technology, not make this country perfect.

On 11 March 2011 (Friday), at 05.46 UTC, Japan got a fearsome earthquake and tsunami disaster. Many people are being confirmed killed by that disaster. Police said 200 to 300 bodies were found in the northeastern coastal city of Sendai. 88 people were confirmed killed and 349 people were missing.

The 9.0 magnitude earthquake makes the 7 meters high tsunami. This tsunami attack as far as 5 kilometers from the beach line, including Fukushima. It sweep Sendai Town, and makes it drowned in the water. In the other side, JMA said that this is the biggest earthquake ever attack Japan.

The disaster makes devastating effects. Many people were killed, buildings were destroyed, and the most pathetic is Nuclear Disaster-the disaster because of Japanese technology achievements-

On Tuesday, their Nuclear Reactor burnt. The Tsunami few days before, makes the Nuclear Reactor burnt. Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, said that the radiation became the bigger level and can be dangerous. Two reactors explode and it became more dangerous.

It can harm DNA and became cancer.

Well, they got so many disaster and dangerous event in their lives. What they do next?

We all know, how diligent Japanese people are. I believe that they will move on and built a new Japan. This is not the first time they get this kind of disaster. And I’m sure, they always move and move. =D

That’s what I like from Japanese.

BY : Regina Bella Halim

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